Static classes on WordPress plugins

If you have a wordpress plugin, more than likely you are using add_action and/or add_filter. No problem, until you get this error:

One of the annoyances of wordpress is that tracking bugs when in actions or filters can be a bit of a hassle, but you don’t know where the error actually originated, but with a bit of grep-ing of searching you can find the issue. With the error above however, what’s going on is not so evident. Consider the following plugin that does nothing:

Nothing seems wrong here, however, it throws the warning above. The right way of doing this is:

The key being __CLASS__ instead of self on the add_action line. When using static classes add_action and add_filter don’t like self however, if your class is not static, therefore, instantiated you can use add_action( $this, 'function' )  no problem. Seems odd, but that’s how it is.

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